Essential Careers: Set 7
The careers covered in this set are among the
highest-paying and most in-demand jobs, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics. Each text lays out the academic and professional trajectory that the
interested reader must follow. All key aspects of job basics, essential
prerequisites, and job outlook are covered, as are tips on the kind of
high-school coursework, college scholarships, and extracurricular activities
that readers can already start pursuing. In the end, these highly sought-after
jobs in health care and digital media become accessible and attainable for the
? Supports college and career preparedness in several of the
highest-paying industries
? Helps readers access the education they need for
gainful employment and career advancement
? Profiles employees in each field,
including interviews and tips
? Includes samples of certification tests,
training manuals, and guidelines from professional