Frequently Asked Questions About Skin Cancer
Teens' enthusiasm for tanning can result in excessive sun exposure and the use of indoor tanning facilities. These activities put them at risk for skin cancer, including the deadliest form, melanoma. In fact, according to Johns Hopkins Children's Center, skin cancer is becoming increasingly common among teens and young adults. Readers will come to understand the various forms of skin cancer, including how they develop and how they can be detected and treated. Teens learn how to protect themselves by practicing sun safety behaviors such as minimizing UV radiation exposure and wearing protective clothing and sunscreen. Images illuminate concepts in the text, and myths and facts correct common misconceptions.
* Reviews *
Book review: Skin Cancer
Cancer gets readers' attention with a close-up cover shot of a cancer, and
inside, the book discusses what skin cancer is, how it is diagnosed, who is at
risk, and methods of prevention." STARRED REVIEW
Cooper, Booklist