Esophageal Cancer
This intriguing narrative provides an overview of esophageal cancers. The esophagus is the muscular tube that carries food and liquid from the mouth to the stomach. The two main types of esophageal cancer are squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. Unfortunately, both types usually aren't diagnosed until the cancer is very advanced. Although there are no guaranteed means of prevention, people can take steps to lower their risk including following a diet that is rich in fruit and vegetables, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding smoking, and drinking only in moderation or not at all. Researchers are seeking better ways to treat esophageal cancer, detect it earlier, and hopefully even prevent it. Sidebars support the main narrative and a full resource section allows for further exploration.
* Reviews *
Series Review: Cancer and Modern Science"...with a highly readable design, including crisp color photos and anatomical diagrams, the series will also serve the needs of student researchers. Also features excellent, extensive back batter, with a glossary, a bibliography, and Web sites."
Series Review:
"With vivid electron micrographic images... these slim, colorful volumes are certainly eye-catching to potential researchers... Photographs, diagrams, multihued headings, and spotlighted inserts are plentiful... are solid overviews of the current understanding of these conditions..."
--School Library Journal
Series Review:
"The colorful photos or illustrations enhance the understanding of the text... a multipage glossary defines confusing scientific terms."
--Nancy Kuta, Juanita High School LWSD