Frequently Asked Questions About Athletes and Eating Disorders
This book explains what eating disorders are, why athletes are susceptible to the condition and how to prevent and combat the problem. Also explained are the medical reasons for why eating, or a lack thereof, becomes an obsession for some. Written in comforting language that addresses issues specific to teens, this book is excellent for self-help or for research.
* Reviews *
Series Review: FAQ Set 5"This series takes a whole-body approach to teens' lives, discussing the issues that affect both their physical and emotional well-being. Accessible narratives present bulleted information, list myths and facts, discuss risky behaviors, and dispense wellness advice. The books adeptly reach out to both genders, especially Athletes and Eating Disorders and Exercise Addiction, which address concerns about professional athletes as role models and students' desires to please coaches. Crisp, captioned color photos (eyepopping in Body Piercing and Tattooing) are found throughout; Human Papillomavirus and Migraines and Headaches also include drawings that illustrate anatomy and physiology."
--Vicki Reutter, Cazenovia High School, School Library Journal